Cheat Commands

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There are a number of cheat commands that can be used, which can be helpful while developing... or if you just want to break free from those petty constraints of reality.


To enter cheats, simply type commands directly into the Chat input box (default `Return` key).

Cheats are not available in multiplayer unless enabled by the host.

All cheat commands are preceded by a forward slash '/' character.

Most cheats can also be turned off, by following the command with the word 'off' (eg, `/warhead off` disables unlimited ammo)

List of Cheat Commands

Command Description
/reset Turn off all cheats. (except developer tools)
/kragle Vehicle is unbreakable
/runsonfumes Engines continue to run after Fuel/Battery runs out
/warhead Unlimited ammo
/pocketknife Open the vehicle editor immediately, wherever the player is
/vload opens the Craft Browser panel
/faraday # Set the Radio TX range to # meters
/droptest <alt> Teleports the vehicle to <alt> meters
/boomerang Force recover the vehicle from any situation
/rl Force reload a vehicle
/inthrustwetrust Thrust output multiplier: 3x
/jebediah Thrust output multiplier: 10x
/grabbity Player disregards the third law of motion and can jump while airborne
/import antigravity The player ignores the effects of gravity while jumping, until the jump key is released
/me is dev Enable developer tools.
/jailbreak Debug workaround for controls getting locked in the editor for whatever reason
/midichlorians Physics forces visualization (Can also see this by hitting F9 and enabling there)
/i see dead pixels Vehicle Volumetrics visualization. (outdoor use only)
/recalc Dev Tool: Restores damage and rebuilds physics systems
/totalrecall Dev Tool: Unloads all parts and their assets, reloads them, then respawns the vehicle/restarts the editor, as needed