Commandline Args

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aka Launch Options on Steam

The game can be started with optional commandline arguments to control various functions. These are mostly useful for development, but could be helpful for modding or debugging.

Commandline Argument͏͏͏͏s Description Parameters
-nointro Skip splashscreen
-noMenuMusic don't play any music in the main menu
-emptyWorldInMenu skip loading a map in the main menu (load a simple fallback scene instead)
-forceLoadMap force the game to load a specific map at startup -1: random, 0: emptyWorld, 1:Wirraway Bay
-SkipMenu bypass main menu and go straight into flight (with default GameLogic settings)
-devtools show developer tools
-noloadmask Suppress loading mask UI
-useVRui Force using the VR version of UI panels (old and likely won't work very well)
-locale Use the given language in localized content. language codes eg: en, pt, es, etc