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  • Method: Void DrawCrosshairs(Vector3d apos, Single size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawCrosshairs(Vector3d apos, Quaternion rotation, Single size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawArc(Vector3d aPivot, Vector3 axis, Vector3 v0, Single fromAngle, Single toAngle, Single radius, Nullable`1 color, Int32 subdivisions)
  • Method: Void DrawWireSphere(Vector3d aCenter, Single radius, Quaternion rotation, Color color, Int32 subdivisions)
  • Method: Void DrawWireSphere(Vector3d aCenter, Single radius, Color color, Int32 subdivisions)
  • Method: Void DrawCircle(Vector3d aCenter, Vector3 axis, Single radius, Color color, Int32 subdivisions)
  • Method: Void DrawCoordinateSystem(Vector3d aPos, Quaternion wRot, Single size)
  • Method: Void DrawCoordinateSystem(Vector3d aPos, Quaternion wRot, Single size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawCoordinateSystemAdv(Vector3d aPos, Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 z, Single size)
  • Method: Void DrawCoordinateSystemAdv(Vector3d aPos, Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 z, Single size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawArrow(Vector3d aPos, Vector3 direction, Color color, Single headSizeFactor)
  • Method: Void DrawArrow2(Vector3d aPos, Vector3 direction, Color color, Single headSize)
  • Method: Void DrawQuad(Vector3d aOrigin, Vector3 normal, Vector3 orientation, Vector2 size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawPlane(Vector3d aOrigin, Vector3 normal, Vector3 orientation, Vector2 size, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawWireCubeAdv(Vector3d aCenter, Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawRay(Vector3d aOrigin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawLine(Vector3d aFrom, Vector3d aTo, Color color)
  • Method: Void DrawSpline(Vector3d a0, Vector3d a1, Vector3d a2, Vector3d a3, Color color, Int32 segs, Boolean drawTanLines, Nullable`1 tanLineColor)
  • Method: Void DrawDottedLine(Vector3d aFrom, Vector3d aTo, Color color, Nullable`1 segmentSpacing)
  • Method: Void DrawDottedRay(Vector3d aOrigin, Vector3 direction, Color color, Nullable`1 segmentSpacing)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()