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  • Method: String get_CharacterName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Boolean MissionIsAssignedAndVisible(CareerEvent cEvt)
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: MapNodeCareerStats UpdateMNCS()
  • Method: Int32 GetAssignedMissionCount()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasIncompleteEvents()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasNewEvents()
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String CharacterName
  • Property: MapNodeCareerStats mncs
  • Property: String name
  • Field: String characterName
  • Field: Int32 xpMin
  • Field: Int32 xpMax
  • Field: MapLocation location
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: MapNodeCareerStats UpdateMNCS()
  • Method: Boolean MissionIsAssignedAndVisible(CareerEvent cEvt)
  • Method: Int32 GetAssignedMissionCount()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasIncompleteEvents()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasNewEvents()
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: MapNodeCareerStats mncs
  • Property: String name
  • Field: MapLocation location
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: Boolean OpenWorkshop
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: PosRot GetArrivalLocation(Transform trf)
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String name
  • Field: String prefabName
  • Field: Vector3 arrivalPos
  • Field: Quaternion arrivalRot
  • Field: MapLocation location
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: Boolean get_IsHome()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Quaternion GetRotation()
  • Method: Vector3 GetWorldPosition()
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: Boolean IsRecoveryBase
  • Property: Boolean IsHome
  • Field: Single radius
  • Field: FastTravelNodeInfo fastTravel
  • Field: WindsockNodeInfo windsock
  • Field: List`1 charNodes
  • Field: List`1 propNodes
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String name
  • Field: MapLocation location
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: MapNodeCareerStats UpdateMNCS()
  • Method: Boolean MissionIsAssignedAndVisible(CareerEvent cEvt)
  • Method: Int32 GetAssignedMissionCount()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasIncompleteEvents()
  • Method: Boolean GetHasNewEvents()
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: MapNodeCareerStats mncs
  • Property: String name
  • Field: MapLocation location
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: String GetLocName()
  • Method: String GetLocDescription()
  • Method: String GetLocUndiscoveredCaption()
  • Method: String GetLocCountCaption()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: List`1 propNodes
  • Field: String description
  • Field: String countCaption
  • Field: String undiscoveredCaption
  • Field: String bannerImagePath
  • Field: Single rewardXP
  • Field: Single rewardFunds
  • Field: AutoloadImage bannerImg
  • Field: String mapName
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Quaternion wRot


  • Method: Void LoadAB(String AbFilePath, Action`1 onProgressUpdate, Action`1 onComplete)
  • Method: Void ResolveDependencies(String abFilePath, List`1 dependencyList)
  • Method: String GetManifestPath(String abFilePath)
  • Method: String[] ParseDependencies(String manifestFilePath)
  • Method: Void LoadNext(List`1 paths, Action`1 onProgressUpdate, Int32 i, Action`1 onComplete)
  • Method: IEnumerator AbProgressWatch(AssetBundleCreateRequest abReq, Action`1 onLoadProgress, String name, Int32 i, Int32 count)
  • Method: Void UnloadAB(String AbFilePath, Boolean unloadAllLoadedObjects)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: Dictionary`2 LoadedABs


  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Field: Single progress
  • Field: String name
  • Field: Int32 current
  • Field: Int32 total


  • Method: AssemblyLoader get_Instance()
  • Method: Void set_Instance(AssemblyLoader value)
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnDestroy()
  • Method: Void LoadAssemblies()
  • Method: Void OnApplicationQuit()
  • Method: Void OnGameSceneLoaded(FromToAction`1 evt)
  • Method: Type FindType(String fullName, Boolean deepSearch)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: AssemblyLoader Instance
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: List`1 LoadedAssemblies
  • Field: List`1 AddonTypes
  • Field: AssemblyLoader instance


  • Method: Void OnPluginLoad()
  • Method: Void Init(AddonInvokeTime initTime)
  • Method: Void Finalize(AddonInvokeTime fTime)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: Assembly asm
  • Field: List`1 attTypes
  • Field: List`1 attInitMethods
  • Field: List`1 attFinlMethods


  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: ConfigNode EventsNode
  • Property: ModCFG Mod


  • Method: String GetChecksumString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Name
  • Property: String CfgFilePath
  • Property: ModCFG Mod


  • Method: IEnumerable`1 LoadAll(String folderPath, CfgContext context, String filePattern, String subNodeName)
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 LoadAll(String folderPath, String filePattern, String subNodeName)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()


  • Method: String get_Name()
  • Method: String get_FullCraftPath()
  • Method: String get_FileNameWithoutExtension()
  • Method: String GetCraftFileName()
  • Method: String get_CraftID()
  • Method: Boolean get_Unlisted()
  • Method: ModCFG get_Mod()
  • Method: Void set_Mod(ModCFG value)
  • Method: Boolean get_IsStock()
  • Method: Boolean get_IsCareerCraft()
  • Method: VehicleInfo get_VInfo()
  • Method: VehicleInfo GetVehicleInfo(Boolean reload)
  • Method: Void SetName(String str)
  • Method: Boolean LoadConstruct(Construct& ctr)
  • Method: Construct LoadConstructUnchecked(String fullCraftPath)
  • Method: Void GetThumbnailSprite(Action`1 onLoaded)
  • Method: Void DeleteFile()
  • Method: String GetChecksumString()
  • Method: CraftInfo FromVehicleInfo(VehicleInfo vInfo)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Name
  • Property: String FullCraftPath
  • Property: String FileNameWithoutExtension
  • Property: String CraftID
  • Property: Boolean Unlisted
  • Property: ModCFG Mod
  • Property: Boolean IsStock
  • Property: Boolean IsCareerCraft
  • Property: VehicleInfo VInfo
  • Field: String craftPath
  • Field: String fileNameWithoutExtension
  • Field: Boolean unlisted
  • Field: ModCFG mod
  • Field: VehicleInfo vInfo
  • Field: Sprite thumbnailSprite
  • Field: DateTime lastWriteUTC
  • Field: Int32 loaderIndex


  • Method: String get_CraftPath()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetCraftFilesFrom(String craftFolder, Boolean fast)
  • Method: Void LoadCraftFiles(List`1 intoList, String craftFolder, Boolean includeStockCraft, Boolean fast)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String CraftPath
  • Field: String craftFileSearchPattern


  • Method: FileDrop get_Instance()
  • Method: Void Awake()
  • Method: Void onFileDrop(List`1 aPathNames, POINT aDropPoint)
  • Method: Void OnCraftFileDropped(CraftInfo cInfo)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: FileDrop Instance
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: FileDrop instance


  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void LoadAllLocFiles()
  • Method: Void LoadLocaleData(String locData)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onScnFinishedLoading()
  • Method: Void Awake()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnDestroy()
  • Method: Void onClientStarted(ClientLogic cl)
  • Method: Void LoadScenery(Int32 scnIndex)
  • Method: Void OnLoadProgressUpdate(String status, ProgressData data)
  • Method: Void OnLoadComplete(AssetBundle ab, SceneryInfo scnInfo)
  • Method: Void LoadSceneryScenes(SceneryInfo scnInfo, String[] scenePaths)
  • Method: Void LoadNextSceneAsync(SceneryInfo scnInfo, String[] scenePaths, Int32 idx)
  • Method: IEnumerator SceneLoadProgressWatch(AsyncOperation aop, SceneryInfo scnInfo)
  • Method: Void SetScenery(Int32 scnIndex, Action onComplete)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Transform playerSpace


  • Method: String get_MissionPath()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetAllMissions()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String MissionPath
  • Field: String missionFileSearchPattern


  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: ModCFG Mod
  • Field: ConfigNode[] filterCfgs
  • Field: ConfigNode[] browseModeCfgs


  • Method: String get_Name()
  • Method: String get_Description()
  • Method: String get_AsmPath()
  • Method: FSVersion get_Version()
  • Method: String GetChecksumString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Name
  • Property: String Description
  • Property: String AsmPath
  • Property: FSVersion Version
  • Field: String name
  • Field: String description
  • Field: String asmPath
  • Field: Int32 loadOrder
  • Field: FSVersion version


  • Method: String get_Name()
  • Method: ModCFG get_Mod()
  • Method: Void set_Mod(ModCFG value)
  • Method: String GetChecksumString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Name
  • Property: ConfigNode configNode
  • Property: ModCFG Mod
  • Property: ConfigNode ResourceCfg
  • Field: String name
  • Field: ModCFG mod


  • Method: String get_Title()
  • Method: String get_Description()
  • Method: String get_ImgPath()
  • Method: Boolean get_StartsInWorkshopMode()
  • Method: String get_MissionScenery()
  • Method: MissionFilterMode get_FilterMode()
  • Method: Int32 get_ListOrder()
  • Method: Mission get_Mission()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 get_Tags()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Title
  • Property: String Description
  • Property: String ImgPath
  • Property: Boolean StartsInWorkshopMode
  • Property: String MissionScenery
  • Property: MissionFilterMode FilterMode
  • Property: Int32 ListOrder
  • Property: Mission Mission
  • Property: IEnumerable`1 Tags
  • Field: ConfigNode node
  • Field: String folderPath
  • Field: String file
  • Field: Mission mission


  • Method: String get_Name()
  • Method: String get_Description()
  • Method: String get_ImgPath()
  • Method: String get_PosterImgPath()
  • Method: String get_AbFilePath()
  • Method: String get_MapImgPath()
  • Method: String get_SrfMapPath()
  • Method: String get_SfxMapPath()
  • Method: Vector2 get_MapImgRectSize()
  • Method: Vector2 get_MapImgOriginXZ()
  • Method: String get_MainScene()
  • Method: String[] get_AdditionalScenes()
  • Method: SceneryType get_SceneType()
  • Method: Boolean get_Unlisted()
  • Method: String get_FobName()
  • Method: Single get_Cost()
  • Method: Single get_XPCost()
  • Method: Boolean get_StartAvailable()
  • Method: Boolean get_AvailableInCareer()
  • Method: String GetUpcomingText()
  • Method: Boolean get_IsLoadable()
  • Method: String GetName()
  • Method: String GetDescription()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetMapNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetLocationNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetDiscoverablesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetFastTravelNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetWindsockNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetCharacterNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetPropNodesForMap()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetDiscoverableNodesForMap()
  • Method: CareerSpawnNodeInfo GetCareerSpawnInfoForMap()
  • Method: Boolean GetMapImageTexture(Action`1 onLoaded)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Name
  • Property: String Description
  • Property: String ImgPath
  • Property: String PosterImgPath
  • Property: String AbFilePath
  • Property: String MapImgPath
  • Property: String SrfMapPath
  • Property: String SfxMapPath
  • Property: Vector2 MapImgRectSize
  • Property: Vector2 MapImgOriginXZ
  • Property: String MainScene
  • Property: String[] AdditionalScenes
  • Property: SceneryType SceneType
  • Property: Boolean Unlisted
  • Property: String FobName
  • Property: Single Cost
  • Property: Single XPCost
  • Property: Boolean StartAvailable
  • Property: Boolean AvailableInCareer
  • Property: Boolean IsLoadable
  • Field: String name
  • Field: String description
  • Field: String imgPath
  • Field: String srfMapPath
  • Field: String sfxMapPath
  • Field: String posterImgPath
  • Field: String mapImgPath
  • Field: Boolean unlisted
  • Field: String fobName
  • Field: Single cost
  • Field: Single xpCost
  • Field: Boolean startAvailable
  • Field: Boolean availableInCareer
  • Field: Vector2 mapImgRectSize
  • Field: Vector2 mapImgOriginXZ
  • Field: Texture _mapImageTexture
  • Field: SceneryType sceneType
  • Field: String abFilePath
  • Field: String mainScene
  • Field: String[] additionalScenes


  • Method: Boolean HasFlag(Enum flag)
  • Method: Object GetValue()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Int32 CompareTo(Object target)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: String ToString(String format)
  • Method: String ToString(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: String ToString(String format, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Boolean System.ISpanFormattable.TryFormat(Span`1 destination, Int32& charsWritten, ReadOnlySpan`1 format, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: TypeCode GetTypeCode()
  • Method: Boolean System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: SByte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int16 System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt16 System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int32 System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt32 System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int64 System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt64 System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Single System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Field: Int32 value__
  • Field: SceneryType FlightScenery
  • Field: SceneryType Workshop


  • Method: Int32 get_CurrentlyLoadedScn()
  • Method: Int32 get_currentScn()
  • Method: SceneryLoader get_Instance()
  • Method: Void Awake()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnDestroy()
  • Method: Void onClientStarted(ClientLogic cl)
  • Method: Void LoadScenery(Int32 scnIndex)
  • Method: Void OnLoadProgressUpdate(String status, ProgressData data)
  • Method: Void OnLoadComplete(AssetBundle ab, SceneryInfo scnInfo)
  • Method: Void LoadSceneryScenes(SceneryInfo scnInfo, String[] scenePaths)
  • Method: Void LoadNextSceneAsync(SceneryInfo scnInfo, String[] scenePaths, Int32 idx)
  • Method: Void UnloadScenery(Action then)
  • Method: IEnumerator SceneLoadProgressWatch(AsyncOperation aop, SceneryInfo scnInfo)
  • Method: Void SetScenery(Int32 scnIndex, Action onComplete)
  • Method: Int32 GetFirstAvailableLocationIndex()
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Int32 CurrentlyLoadedScn
  • Property: Int32 currentScn
  • Property: SceneryLoader Instance
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Stopwatch loadWatch
  • Field: Int32 currentlyLoadedScn
  • Field: SceneryLoader instance


  • Method: String GetChecksumString()


  • Method: String get_Title()
  • Method: FSVersion get_Version()
  • Method: FSVersion get_ReqGameVersion()
  • Method: String get_Author()
  • Method: String get_Description()
  • Method: String get_ImgPath()
  • Method: String get_CfgFilePath()
  • Method: SceneryInfo[] get_SceneryInfos()
  • Method: CraftInfo[] get_AircraftInfos()
  • Method: CfgFileInfo[] get_PartInfos()
  • Method: CfgFileInfo[] get_FigureInfos()
  • Method: PluginInfo[] get_PluginInfos()
  • Method: ResourceCfgInfo[] get_ResourceCfgs()
  • Method: CareerCfgInfo[] get_CareerCfgs()
  • Method: ModTagDefinitions[] get_TagInfos()
  • Method: MapNodesInfo[] get_MapNodeInfos()
  • Method: Void Load(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: Void Reload()
  • Method: String GetModID()
  • Method: String CalcModChecksum(ConfigNode node)
  • Method: ConfigNode LookForModExportCfg()
  • Method: String GetModURL()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: String Title
  • Property: FSVersion Version
  • Property: FSVersion ReqGameVersion
  • Property: String Author
  • Property: String Description
  • Property: String ImgPath
  • Property: String CfgFilePath
  • Property: SceneryInfo[] SceneryInfos
  • Property: CraftInfo[] AircraftInfos
  • Property: CfgFileInfo[] PartInfos
  • Property: CfgFileInfo[] FigureInfos
  • Property: PluginInfo[] PluginInfos
  • Property: ResourceCfgInfo[] ResourceCfgs
  • Property: CareerCfgInfo[] CareerCfgs
  • Property: ModTagDefinitions[] TagInfos
  • Property: MapNodesInfo[] MapNodeInfos
  • Property: Compatibility compatibility
  • Field: String title
  • Field: FSVersion version
  • Field: FSVersion reqVersion
  • Field: String author
  • Field: String description
  • Field: String imgPath
  • Field: String cfgFilePath
  • Field: Sprite thumbImg
  • Field: Sprite bannerImg
  • Field: SceneryInfo[] sceneryInfos
  • Field: CfgFileInfo[] partCfgInfos
  • Field: CfgFileInfo[] figureCfgInfos
  • Field: CraftInfo[] craftInfos
  • Field: PluginInfo[] pluginInfos
  • Field: ResourceCfgInfo[] resourceCfgs
  • Field: CareerCfgInfo[] careerCfgs
  • Field: ModTagDefinitions[] tagInfos
  • Field: MapNodesInfo[] mapNodeInfos
  • Field: Boolean IsBasegame
  • Field: Boolean IsWhitelisted
  • Field: Boolean IsVerified
  • Field: String checksum
  • Field: ConfigNode modexportcfg
  • Field: UserMod userMod


  • Method: Boolean HasModByTitle(ModCFG mod)
  • Method: Boolean HasVerifiedMod(ModCFG mod)
  • Method: Void SetDirty()
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: List`1 checksums


  • Method: List`1 get_ModList()
  • Method: ModLoader get_Instance()
  • Method: Void set_Instance(ModLoader value)
  • Method: Void Awake()
  • Method: Void Load()
  • Method: List`1 LoadAllModDefs()
  • Method: Void ForceReloadAllModData()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllSceneries()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllAddonCraft()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllPlugins()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllPartCfgs()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllResourceCfgs()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllCareerNodeCfgs()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllTagInfos()
  • Method: List`1 GetAllMapNodeInfos()
  • Method: ModManifest GetLoadedModsManifest(Boolean includebasegame)
  • Method: ModCFG GetLoadedMod(ModInfo forModInfo)
  • Method: Boolean ModIsWhitelisted(ModInfo minfo)
  • Method: Boolean ModIsBasegame(ModInfo minfo)
  • Method: Boolean ModIsVerified(ModInfo minfo)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: List`1 ModList
  • Property: ModLoader Instance
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: String AddonPath
  • Field: String modCfgSearchPattern
  • Field: List`1 modList
  • Field: ModChecksums basemodChecksums
  • Field: ModChecksums whitelistedChecksums
  • Field: FSVersion leastCompatibleVersion
  • Field: ModLoader instance
  • Field: Action OnModDataReloaded


  • Method: IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
  • Method: IEnumerator`1 GetEnumerator()
  • Method: ModInfo get_Item(Int32 index)
  • Method: Void set_Item(Int32 index, ModInfo value)
  • Method: String Write()
  • Method: Void Parse(String s)
  • Method: ModManifest FromModListStr(String modListStr)
  • Method: ModManifest FromLoadedMods(IEnumerable`1 modList, Boolean includebasegame)
  • Method: Task`1 FromAvailableModsAsync()
  • Method: Boolean HasNonBasegameMods()
  • Method: IEnumerable`1 GetNonBasegameMods()
  • Method: Boolean System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<IO.ModManifest.ModInfo>.Equals(ModInfo x, ModInfo y)
  • Method: Int32 System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<IO.ModManifest.ModInfo>.GetHashCode(ModInfo obj)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: ModInfo Item
  • Field: List`1 mods


  • Method: String GetModID()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: String title
  • Field: FSVersion version
  • Field: FSVersion leastVersion
  • Field: String url
  • Field: String checksum
  • Field: Boolean IsBasegame
  • Field: Boolean IsWhitelisted
  • Field: Boolean IsVerified
  • Field: Boolean IsEnabled
  • Field: Boolean IsInstalled
  • Field: UserMod localmod


  • Method: Task`1 ForMatch(MPMatch mInfo)
  • Method: String GetResultListSRT()
  • Method: Void DisableSurplusMods()
  • Method: Void EnableMissingButAvailableMods()
  • Method: Boolean CanMatchMods()
  • Method: Boolean ModsMatchPass()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Field: IEnumerable`1 srvMods
  • Field: IEnumerable`1 surplusMods
  • Field: IEnumerable`1 missingMods
  • Field: IEnumerable`1 allowedMods
  • Field: IEnumerable`1 failedMods


  • Method: String GetModSRTString(ModCFG m)
  • Method: String GetModSRTIcon(Boolean whitelisted, Boolean verified, Nullable`1 iconColor)
  • Method: String GetModSRTString(ModCFG m, Color color)
  • Method: String GetModSRTString(ModInfo m)
  • Method: String GetModSRTString(ModInfo m, Color color)
  • Method: String GetModSRTString(UserMod m)
  • Method: String GetModSRTString(UserMod m, Color color)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()