Player Class

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Player Class

This class represents a Player in the game and handles various functionalities related to the player's actions, state, and interactions within the game world.

Public Constant Fields

Public Fields

  • `public VehicleSyncHelper vehicleSyncHelper` - Synchronizes vehicle-related data for the player.
  • `public PlayerTeamSyncHelper TeamSyncHelper` - Handles synchronization of team-related data.
  • `public PlayerScenarioSync ScnSyncHelper` - Manages synchronization of scenario data for the player.
  • `public NetXmitter NetXmitter` - Facilitates network data transmission for the player.
  • `public NetworkCommands NetworkCommands` - Executes network commands for the player.
  • `public string ppid` - Stores the player's persistent ID.
  • `public PilotProfile PilotProfile` - Contains the player's pilot profile information.
  • `public KnownPlayer knownPlayer` - Represents a known player instance.
  • `public GUnityEvent<View> OnViewStart` - Event triggered when the player's view starts.
  • `public Vector3 vehicleSpawnOffset` - Offset for spawning vehicles.
  • `public bool hasLaunchLocation` - Indicates if a launch location is set.
  • `public Vector3d launchApos` - Stores the absolute spawn position for launching.
  • `public Quaternion launchRot` - Stores the rotation for launch.
  • `public Action<bool> OnFindMeStateChg` - Action triggered when the "find me" state changes.
  • `public bool IsClientInEditor` - Indicates if the client is in editor mode.
  • `public bool adminSV` - Indicates if the player has admin privileges.
  • `public Teams TeamFlag` - Represents the player's team flag.
  • `public double currentRTT` - Stores the current round-trip time for network communication.

Public Delegates

Public Events

Public Enums

Public Interfaces

  • `IVehicleOwner` - Interface indicating the player is a vehicle owner.

Public Properties

  • `public RigidbodyPhysicsEvents PhysicsEvents { get; }` - Gets the player's RigidbodyPhysicsEvents.
  • `public Vector3d AbsSpawnPos { get; }` - Gets the player's absolute spawn position.
  • `public Team Team { get; }` - Gets the player's team.
  • `public bool IsAdmin { get; }` - Indicates if the player is an admin.
  • `public bool isHost { get; }` - Indicates if the player is the host.
  • `public Vehicle Vehicle { get; }` - Gets the player's vehicle.
  • `public PlayerAvatar Avatar { get; }` - Gets the player's avatar.
  • `public CapsuleCollider MainCollider { get; }` - Gets the player's main collider.
  • `public PlayerMovement Movement { get; }` - Gets the player's movement component.
  • `public PlayerRotation Rotation { get; }` - Gets the player's rotation component.
  • `public PlayerFieldToolkit FieldToolkit { get; }` - Gets the player's field toolkit.
  • `public Vector3 DefaultVehicleSpawnPos { get; }` - Gets the default vehicle spawn position.
  • `public Quaternion DefaultVehicleSpawnRot { get; }` - Gets the default vehicle spawn rotation.
  • `public Vector3 VehicleSpawnPos { get; }` - Gets the vehicle spawn position.
  • `public Quaternion VehicleSpawnRot { get; }` - Gets the vehicle spawn rotation.
  • `public float DistanceToVehicle { get; }` - Gets the distance to the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 DirectionToVehicle { get; }` - Gets the direction to the vehicle.

Public Methods

  • `public void OnTeamSVChange(Teams _, Teams teamFlag)` - Handles changes in the player's team flag.
  • `public void SetPlayerSpawnData(MsgPlayerSpawnData spawnData)` - Sets the player's spawn data.
  • `public void SpawnVehicle(CraftInfo cInfo, bool allowCancel, Action<Vehicle> then = null)` - Spawns a vehicle with specified craft info.
  • `public void SpawnVehicle(Construct ctr, bool allowCancel, Action<Vehicle> then = null, bool suppressUImsg = false)` - Spawns a vehicle with specified construct.
  • `public void DespawnVehicle(Action onSuccess = null)` - Despawns the player's vehicle.
  • `public void OnPlayerDisconnecting()` - Handles player disconnection.
  • `public void SetLaunchLocation(Vector3 wpos, Quaternion wrot, bool announce = false)` - Sets the launch location.
  • `public void ClearLaunchLocation(bool announce = false)` - Clears the launch location.
  • `public void ResetVehicleToHome(Action then = null, bool overrideLaunchLocation = false, bool repairDamage = true, bool? shutoffEngines = null, bool armAutoGrab = true)` - Resets the vehicle to home position.
  • `public void ResetVehicle(Vector3 wpos, Quaternion? wrot = null, Action then = null, bool repairDamage = true, bool? shutoffEngines = null, bool armAutoGrab = true)` - Resets the vehicle to a specified position.
  • `public async void FindMe(float durationSecs = 8f)` - Activates "find me" mode for the player.
  • `public string GetName()` - Gets the player's name.
  • `public Team GetTeam()` - Gets the player's team.
  • `public Teams GetTeamFlag()` - Gets the player's team flag.
  • `public float GetPingMsOnLocalClient()` - Gets the ping in milliseconds on the local client.
  • `public void CmdSpawnVehicle(Vector3 aPos, Quaternion wRot, Guid netTransferID)` - Command to spawn a vehicle.
  • `public void CmdDespawnVehicle(GameObject vGo, uint[] partIDlist)` - Command to despawn a vehicle.
  • `public void CmdPing(double t0)` - Command to ping the server.
  • `public void Cmd_ClientInEditorModeUpdate(bool v)` - Command to update editor mode status.
  • `public void RpcOnVehicleSpawn(GameObject vGo, Guid netTransferID, Vector3 aPos)` - RPC to handle vehicle spawn.
  • `public void TargetOnSpawnVehicle(NetworkConnection tgt, GameObject vehicleGo)` - Target RPC to handle vehicle spawn.
  • `public void RPCOnDisconnecting()` - RPC to handle player disconnection.
  • `public void Rpc_OnWillDeleteVehicle(GameObject vGo)` - RPC to handle vehicle deletion.
  • `public IEnumerator WaitForServerCR(bool allowCancel, Func<bool> whileCondition, Action then, Action<bool> onFail, float timeout = 10f)` - Coroutine to wait for server response.

Public Structs

Public Classes

See Also

  • VehicleSyncHelper Class
  • PlayerTeamSyncHelper Class
  • PlayerScenarioSync Class
  • NetXmitter Class
  • NetworkCommands Class
  • PilotProfile Class
  • KnownPlayer Class
  • GUnityEvent Class
  • PlayerAvatar Class
  • Vehicle Class
  • RigidbodyPhysicsEvents Class
  • PlayerMovement Class
  • PlayerRotation Class
  • PlayerFieldToolkit Class