UI.MMX.MenuMachineX Class

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MenuMachineX Class

This class handles the creation and management of menu sections within the UI, allowing for modular and dynamic menu structures.

Public Constant Fields

Public Fields

  • `public UIHoverRect[] hoverRects` - Array of UI hover rectangles.
  • `protected RectTransform sectionContainer` - Container for menu sections.
  • `protected ContextMenuSection sectionTemplate` - Template for creating new sections.
  • `protected TMP_Text header` - Header text component.
  • `protected ScrollRect scrollRect` - Scroll rect component.
  • `protected Dictionary<string, MenuMachineX.Section> sections` - Dictionary of menu sections.
  • `protected ScreenSpacePanel ssp` - Screen space panel component.
  • `protected List<ModularMenuItem> allItems` - List of all menu items.

Public Delegates

Public Events

Public Enums

Public Interfaces

Public Properties

  • `public override bool Hover { get; }` - Gets a value indicating whether any hover rect is hovered.
  • `public override List<ModularMenuItem> GetItems()` - Gets the list of all menu items.

Public Methods

  • `public static MenuMachineX Create(string title, ContentData itemData)` - Creates a new instance of MenuMachineX with the specified title and item data.
  • `protected void OnCreate(string title, ScreenSpacePanel ssp, ContentData itemData)` - Called during the creation of the menu.
  • `public void SetupMenu(ContentData itemData)` - Sets up the menu with the specified item data.
  • `public void SetupMenu(string title, ContentData itemData)` - Sets up the menu with the specified title and item data.
  • `protected void InitHeader(string title)` - Initializes the header with the specified title.
  • `protected void InitMenus(ContentData itemData)` - Initializes the menus with the specified item data.
  • `protected MenuMachineX.Section CreateSection(string header, int currentSectionSibIndex)` - Creates a new section with the specified header and index.
  • `public void Clear()` - Clears all sections and items from the menu.
  • `protected override void OnTerminate()` - Called when the menu is terminated.
  • `private void Sect_OnMenuItemCtrlDown(ModularMenuItem arg1, ModularContextMenu arg2)` - Handles the event when a menu item control is pressed down.
  • `private void Sect_OnMenuItemCtrlUp(ModularMenuItem arg1, ModularContextMenu arg2)` - Handles the event when a menu item control is released.

Public Structs

Public Classes

  • `public class Section` - Represents a section within the menu.
 * `public ContextMenuSection section` - The context menu section.
 * `public int order` - The order of the section.

See Also

  • UIHoverRect Class
  • RectTransform Class
  • ContextMenuSection Class
  • TMP_Text Class
  • ScrollRect Class
  • ScreenSpacePanel Class
  • ModularMenuItem Class
  • ModularContextMenu Class
  • ContentData Class
  • PrefabBase Class
  • UI.MMX.MMXMenuBase Class
  • Header Class
  • EndHeader Class