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  • Method: UIButton get_Button()
  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void UpdateElements(CraftInfo craftInfoToShow, VehicleRequirements vehicleRequirements)
  • Method: Void UpdateElements(CraftInfo craftInfoToShow, CraftFilterTestResult rt)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: UIButton Button
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: UIButton btn
  • Field: CraftInfo cInfo
  • Field: CraftFilterTestResult rt


  • Method: Void GetImage(Action`1 onGetImage)
  • Method: String GetLocDescription()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Field: String description
  • Field: String descriptionTerm
  • Field: String imgPath
  • Field: Texture img


  • Method: InfoPanelData get_Info()
  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void SetInfo(InfoPanelData info)
  • Method: Void Clear()
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: InfoPanelData Info
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: SRTextField txt_desc
  • Field: RawImage img
  • Field: InfoPanelData info


  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: UIButton_ImgBG get_btn_scenery()
  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void UpdateElements()
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: UIButton_ImgBG btn_scenery
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Color imgColor_Scn
  • Field: Color imgColor_NoScn
  • Field: SceneryInfo scnInfo
  • Field: UIButton_ImgBG _btn_scenery


  • Method: Void Awake()
  • Method: Void OnDestroy()
  • Method: Void OnSceneTransitionComplete(FromToAction`1 arg0)
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onCraftBrowserAccept(CraftInfo cInfo)
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void UpdateBtnCaptionWhenPossible()
  • Method: Void onBtnStartGame()
  • Method: Void DeployStartGame()
  • Method: Void onBtnCommunity()
  • Method: Void onBtnDiscord()
  • Method: Void onBtnManual()
  • Method: Void onBtnVersion()
  • Method: Void onBtnQuit()
  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: UIButton btn_startGame
  • Field: UIButton btn_community
  • Field: UIButton btn_discord
  • Field: UIButton btn_manual
  • Field: UIButton btn_version
  • Field: UIButton btn_quit
  • Field: MainMenuPanel subpanel_startGame
  • Field: TMP_Text btn_profile_caption
  • Field: CraftBrowser craftBrowser
  • Field: Boolean autoDeploy
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void UpdateButtonStates()
  • Method: Void onBtnWorkshop()
  • Method: Void onBtnFreeFlight()
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: MainMenuPanel flightOptions
  • Field: UIButton btn_workshop
  • Field: UIButton btn_freeFlight
  • Field: InfoPanelData WorkshopModeInfo
  • Field: InfoPanelData FreeFlightModeInfo
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnEnable()
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void onBtnScenery()
  • Method: Void onBtnEnviro()
  • Method: Void onBtnStart()
  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: UIButton_ImgBG btn_scenery
  • Field: AircraftSelectButton btnCraftBrowser
  • Field: CraftBrowser craftBrowser
  • Field: UIButton btn_enviro
  • Field: UIButton btn_start
  • Field: InfoPanelData infoPanelData
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void onBtnScenery()
  • Method: Void onBtnStart()
  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: UIButton_ImgBG btn_scenery
  • Field: UIButton btn_start
  • Field: InfoPanelData infoPanelData
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBtnGetStarted()
  • Method: Void OnBtnSp()
  • Method: Void onBtnMoveOffPanel()
  • Method: Void onBtnCareerLobby()
  • Method: Void onBuildNFly()
  • Method: Void onScnEditor()
  • Method: Void onBtnIntroTutorial()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void UpdateButtonCaptions()
  • Method: Void DeployChildPanel(MainMenuPanel panel, Boolean redeploy)
  • Method: Void Collapse(Boolean includeSelf)
  • Method: Void OnHide()
  • Method: Void OnShow()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void ShowInfoPanel(InfoPanelData modeInfo)
  • Method: Void ClearInfoPanel()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: MainMenuPanel subpanel_sandbox
  • Field: MainMenuPanel subpanel_scnEditor
  • Field: UIButton btn_buildNFly
  • Field: UIButton btn_scnEditor
  • Field: UIButton btn_careerLobby
  • Field: UIButton btn_mp
  • Field: UIButton btn_sp
  • Field: UIButton btn_getStarted
  • Field: UIButton btn_profile
  • Field: UIButton btn_introTutorial
  • Field: Boolean skipCareerEarlyAccessWarning
  • Field: MainMenuPanel parent
  • Field: MainMenuPanel childPanel
  • Field: MainMenuInfoPanel infoPanel
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void OnPageSelect(ListItem i)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: ListItem item


  • Method: ProfileListItem GetItemTemplate(PilotInfo _)
  • Method: Void OnItemSelected(ProfileListItem profileItem)
  • Method: Void OnMenuBringUp()
  • Method: Void Populate()
  • Method: Void OnMenuMoveOff()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onBtnNew()
  • Method: Void onBtnDelete()
  • Method: Void onDeleteConfirm()
  • Method: Void onDeleteConfirmDismiss()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void ClearList()
  • Method: ProfileListItem AddItem(PilotInfo itemData)
  • Method: Void OnItemDoubleClick(ProfileListItem obj)
  • Method: ProfileListItem GetItemForObject(PilotInfo obj)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: ProfileListItem template
  • Field: AvatarCustomization avatarPreview
  • Field: TMP_Text nameField
  • Field: ProfileListItem profileSelected
  • Field: UIButton btn_edit
  • Field: UIButton btn_delete
  • Field: UIButton btn_accept
  • Field: UIButton btn_new
  • Field: MenuScreenFlow scFlowThis
  • Field: ScreenFlow scFlowProfileEdit
  • Field: List`1 items


  • Method: Void OnSetData(PilotInfo data)
  • Method: ProfileListItem SetData(PilotInfo data)
  • Method: ProfileListItem OnSelect(Action`1 onItemSelected)
  • Method: ProfileListItem OnDoubleClick(Action`1 onItemDoubleClick)
  • Method: T SetData(PilotInfo data, ScrollRect scrollRect)
  • Method: Void SetData(PilotInfo data, ScrollRect scrollRect)
  • Method: Titem OnSelect(Action`1 onItemSelected)
  • Method: Titem OnDoubleClick(Action`1 onItemDoubleClick)
  • Method: String get_Caption()
  • Method: ScrollRect get_ScrollRect()
  • Method: RectTransform get_container()
  • Method: ListItemData get_BaseData()
  • Method: Boolean get_IsInteractable()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: T InstantiateItem()
  • Method: ListItem InstantiateItem()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void SetData(ListItemData data, ScrollRect scrollRect)
  • Method: Void SetCaption(String text)
  • Method: Void SetTooltip(String tooltip)
  • Method: Void SetTooltip(TooltipData tooltipData)
  • Method: Void Terminate()
  • Method: Void SetSelected(Boolean suppressEvent)
  • Method: Void OnPtrHoverEnter(Pointer ptr)
  • Method: Void OnPtrHoverExit(Pointer ptr)
  • Method: Void SetThumbnailSprite(Sprite sprite)
  • Method: Void SetThumbnailSize(Single value)
  • Method: Void SetThumbnailColor(Color iconColor)
  • Method: Void SetBackgroundColor(Color bgColor)
  • Method: Void ScrollIntoView()
  • Method: Void SetInteractable(Boolean v)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: PilotInfo data
  • Property: String Caption
  • Property: ScrollRect ScrollRect
  • Property: RectTransform container
  • Property: ListItemData BaseData
  • Property: Boolean IsInteractable
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Image thumbnail
  • Field: Image bg
  • Field: TMP_Text caption
  • Field: UISelectable selectable
  • Field: UIButton uiBtn
  • Field: TooltipTriggerBase tooltip
  • Field: ScrollRect scrollRect
  • Field: UnityEvent`1 OnSelected
  • Field: UnityEvent`1 OnDblClick
  • Field: RectTransform self
  • Field: Boolean isTemplate
  • Field: ListItemData data
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup
  • Field: Single tDown


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: List`1 GetScrollListItems()
  • Method: Void onListSelectionChanged(Int32 selIndex)
  • Method: Void ClearList()
  • Method: Void PopulateList()
  • Method: Void onListItemSelected(ListItemData selItem)
  • Method: Void SetContent(ListItemData item)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Button btnReorder
  • Field: ScrollingList scrollList
  • Field: ContentPanel contentPanel
  • Field: List`1 items
  • Field: Int32 selectedIndex
  • Field: Action OnSelected
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void onBtnStartHost()
  • Method: Void onBtnSessSettings()
  • Method: Void ValidateSessionTextFields(String val)
  • Method: Void ValidateSessionPwdFields(String pwd)
  • Method: Void OnSelPlayerCountValueChanged(Int32 i)
  • Method: Int32 GetPlayerCount(Int32 selection)
  • Method: Int32 GetPlayerCountSelection(Int32 playerCount)
  • Method: Void UpdateInfoText()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: TMP_InputField textSessionName
  • Field: UISelector selPlayerCount
  • Field: UIButton btnStartHost
  • Field: UIButton btnSessSettings
  • Field: UITextInputField txtInput_description
  • Field: TMP_InputField textSessionPwd
  • Field: UIToggle toggle_usePwd
  • Field: MenuScreenFlow screenFlow
  • Field: ScreenFlow screenFlowOnHost
  • Field: SRTextField txtInfo
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: String get_AutojoinAfterRestart()
  • Method: Void set_AutojoinAfterRestart(String value)
  • Method: String get_AutojoinPwd()
  • Method: Void set_AutojoinPwd(String value)
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void RefreshMatchList()
  • Method: Void DoAutoJoinIfNeeded(IEnumerable`1 matches)
  • Method: Void onListSelectionChanged(MPLobbyListItem item)
  • Method: Void onBtnHost()
  • Method: Void onBtnMatchMods()
  • Method: Void onBtnJoin()
  • Method: Void TryJoin(MPMatch mInfo, Action`1 then, String withpwd)
  • Method: Void ProceedAndJoin(MPMatch match)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: String AutojoinAfterRestart
  • Property: String AutojoinPwd
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: MPLobbyScrollingList scrollList
  • Field: MPlobbyContentPanel contentPanel
  • Field: UIButton btnJoin
  • Field: UIButton btnMatchMods
  • Field: UIButton btnHost
  • Field: UIButton btnRefresh
  • Field: MenuScreenFlow menuScreenFlow
  • Field: ScreenFlow OnJoinSuccessScreenFlow
  • Field: MPMatch mInfo
  • Field: Nullable`1 mmr
  • Field: Component[] enableWhileRefreshing
  • Field: String refreshBtnCaption0
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: ProfileList profileList
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onNameFieldValueChanged(String name)
  • Method: Void onHeadStyleSelectionChanged(Int32 i)
  • Method: Void OnHeadColorSelectionChanged(Color c)
  • Method: Void OnHeadwearSelectionValueChanged(Int32 i)
  • Method: Void OnHeadwearColorValueChanged(Color c)
  • Method: Void OnEyeStyleSelectionChanged(Int32 i)
  • Method: Void OnEyeColorSelectionChanged(Color c)
  • Method: Void OnBodyColorColorValueChanged(Color c)
  • Method: Void OnBodyStyleSelectionChanged(Int32 i)
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void onBtnAccept()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: UISelector selector_headStyle
  • Field: UIColorPicker selector_headColor
  • Field: UISelector selector_eyeStyle
  • Field: UIColorPicker selector_eyeColor
  • Field: UISelector selector_headwearStyle
  • Field: UIColorPicker selector_headwearColor
  • Field: UISelector selector_bodyStyle
  • Field: UIColorPicker selector_bodyColor
  • Field: AvatarCustomization avatarPreview
  • Field: TMP_InputField nameField
  • Field: UIButton btn_accept
  • Field: PilotProfile pilotProfile
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Boolean ScnItemPassFilter(ScenarioInfo scnInfo)
  • Method: String get_SelectedScenaryName()
  • Method: List`1 GetScrollListItems()
  • Method: Void onListItemSelected(ListItemData selItem)
  • Method: Void UpdateUISelectedState()
  • Method: Void onBtnSettings()
  • Method: Void onBtnNext()
  • Method: Void onBtnAccept()
  • Method: Void ApplyScnParams()
  • Method: Void ClearList()
  • Method: Void PopulateList()
  • Method: Void onListSelectionChanged(Int32 selIndex)
  • Method: Void SetContent(ListItemData item)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: String SelectedScenaryName
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Button btnStart
  • Field: Button btnNext
  • Field: Button btnSettings
  • Field: String scnFolderPath
  • Field: ScenarioInfo selScnInfo
  • Field: FilterMode filterMode
  • Field: ScrollingList scrollList
  • Field: ContentPanel contentPanel
  • Field: List`1 items
  • Field: Int32 selectedIndex
  • Field: Action OnSelected
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Boolean HasFlag(Enum flag)
  • Method: Object GetValue()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Int32 CompareTo(Object target)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: String ToString(String format)
  • Method: String ToString(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: String ToString(String format, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Boolean System.ISpanFormattable.TryFormat(Span`1 destination, Int32& charsWritten, ReadOnlySpan`1 format, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: TypeCode GetTypeCode()
  • Method: Boolean System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: SByte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int16 System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt16 System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int32 System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt32 System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Int64 System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: UInt64 System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Single System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider provider)
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Field: Int32 value__
  • Field: FilterMode ShowAll
  • Field: FilterMode SoloFlight
  • Field: FilterMode MPHost
  • Field: FilterMode Training


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: List`1 GetScrollListItems()
  • Method: Void onListItemSelected(ListItemData selItem)
  • Method: Void onBtnAccept()
  • Method: Void ClearList()
  • Method: Void PopulateList()
  • Method: Void onListSelectionChanged(Int32 selIndex)
  • Method: Void SetContent(ListItemData item)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Button buttonAccept
  • Field: List`1 scnItems
  • Field: ScrollingList scrollList
  • Field: ContentPanel contentPanel
  • Field: List`1 items
  • Field: Int32 selectedIndex
  • Field: Action OnSelected
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void onBtnAccept()
  • Method: Void onBtnCancel()
  • Method: Void Cancel()
  • Method: Void onBtnDefaults()
  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onItemSelect(ListItem arg0)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: SettingsScreen[] settingScreens
  • Field: UIButton btnAccept
  • Field: UIButton btnCancel
  • Field: UIButton btnDefaults
  • Field: MenuScreenFlow menuScreenFlow
  • Field: Int32 startOnPage
  • Field: MenuPage[] pages
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup


  • Method: Void Start()
  • Method: Void onItemSelect(ListItem arg0)
  • Method: CanvasGroup get_canvasGroup()
  • Method: Void OnBringUp(MenuScreenFlow from)
  • Method: Void OnMoveOff()
  • Method: Void SetVisible(Boolean visible)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: CanvasGroup canvasGroup
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: MenuPage[] pages
  • Field: CanvasGroup _canvasGroup