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  • Method: Vector3 get_WPos()
  • Method: Boolean get_WasDamagedThen()
  • Method: VehicleLogEntry Init(VehicleLogger vflogger, VehicleLogEntry prev)
  • Method: Void OnInit(VehicleLogger vflogger, VehicleLogEntry prev)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: String GetFullLogString()
  • Method: String PrintLogFlags()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Property: Vector3 WPos
  • Property: Boolean WasDamagedThen
  • Property: VehicleLogEntry PreviousEntry
  • Field: Vehicle vehicle
  • Field: Double UT
  • Field: Int32 frame
  • Field: Vector3d aPos
  • Field: Vector3 wVel
  • Field: Vector3 wAcc
  • Field: Vector3 gLoad
  • Field: Vector3 angularVel
  • Field: Vector3 angularAcc
  • Field: Quaternion wRot
  • Field: Int32 attachedPartsCount
  • Field: Boolean landed
  • Field: Boolean splashed
  • Field: Boolean flying
  • Field: Boolean stopped
  • Field: Boolean grabbed
  • Field: Double totalDistFlown


  • Method: Vehicle get_Vehicle()
  • Method: Boolean get_Ready()
  • Method: Single get_MaxAirspeed()
  • Method: Single get_MaxAltitude()
  • Method: Single get_MaxAcceleration()
  • Method: Double get_TotalDistanceTravelled()
  • Method: Single get_TotalAirTime()
  • Method: Single get_LastAirTime()
  • Method: Single get_LastGoodAirTime()
  • Method: Double get_Lifetime()
  • Method: Double get_Runtime()
  • Method: Int32 get_ShotsFired()
  • Method: Void set_ShotsFired(Int32 value)
  • Method: Int32 get_ShotsHit()
  • Method: Void set_ShotsHit(Int32 value)
  • Method: Single get_ShotAccuracy()
  • Method: Int32 get_RecoverCount()
  • Method: Void AddLogEntry(VehicleLogEntry logEntry)
  • Method: Void IVehicleComponent.OnVehicleSpawn(Vehicle v)
  • Method: Void onVehicleReset()
  • Method: Void onVehicleWillDespawn(Vehicle arg0)
  • Method: Void OnDestroy()
  • Method: Void ResetStats(Boolean resetLifetimeValues)
  • Method: Void FixedUpdate()
  • Method: Boolean HasDamageLogged(Boolean sinceLastReset)
  • Method: Boolean HasDamage()
  • Method: Int32 CountDamage()
  • Method: Single GetDamageFactor()
  • Method: Boolean HasEntry()
  • Method: Boolean HasEntryWhere(Func`2 predicate)
  • Method: Boolean HasEntryWhere(Int32 skip, Func`2 predicate)
  • Method: Int32 FindLatestEntryIndex()
  • Method: Int32 FindLatestEntryIndexWhere(Func`2 predicate)
  • Method: Int32 FindEarliestEntryIndex()
  • Method: Int32 FindEarliestEntryIndexWhere(Func`2 predicate)
  • Method: IEnumerator`1 GetEnumerator()
  • Method: IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
  • Method: Int32 get_Count()
  • Method: VehicleLogEntry get_Item(Int32 index)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Vehicle Vehicle
  • Property: Boolean Ready
  • Property: Single MaxAirspeed
  • Property: Single MaxAltitude
  • Property: Single MaxAcceleration
  • Property: Double TotalDistanceTravelled
  • Property: Single TotalAirTime
  • Property: Single LastAirTime
  • Property: Single LastGoodAirTime
  • Property: Double Lifetime
  • Property: Double Runtime
  • Property: Int32 ShotsFired
  • Property: Int32 ShotsHit
  • Property: Single ShotAccuracy
  • Property: Int32 RecoverCount
  • Property: Int32 Count
  • Property: VehicleLogEntry Item
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: List`1 logs
  • Field: Vehicle vehicle
  • Field: Boolean ready
  • Field: Single maxAirspeed
  • Field: Single maxAltitude
  • Field: Single maxAcceleration
  • Field: Vector3d aPosLast
  • Field: Double totalDistanceTravelled
  • Field: Single totalAirTime
  • Field: Single lastAirTime
  • Field: Single lastGoodAirTime
  • Field: Double tSpawn
  • Field: Double tReset
  • Field: Int32 shotsFired
  • Field: Int32 shotsHit
  • Field: Int32 recoverCount
  • Field: Action`1 OnLogEntryAdded
  • Field: Single airTime
  • Field: LogLookbackDelegate OnLoggedOutcomeTrigger


  • Method: Void Invoke(VehicleLogger vlog, VehicleLogEntry trigger, IVehicleOwner owner)
  • Method: IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(VehicleLogger vlog, VehicleLogEntry trigger, IVehicleOwner owner, AsyncCallback callback, Object object)
  • Method: Void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
  • Method: Boolean IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr()
  • Method: Boolean InvocationListLogicallyNull()
  • Method: Void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object obj)
  • Method: MulticastDelegate NewMulticastDelegate(Object[] invocationList, Int32 invocationCount)
  • Method: Void StoreDynamicMethod(MethodInfo dynamicMethod)
  • Method: Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow)
  • Method: Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
  • Method: Delegate[] GetInvocationList()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Object GetTarget()
  • Method: MethodInfo GetMethodImpl()
  • Method: Object DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
  • Method: Object get_Target()
  • Method: IntPtr GetMulticastInvoke()
  • Method: IntPtr GetInvokeMethod()
  • Method: IRuntimeMethodInfo FindMethodHandle()
  • Method: IntPtr AdjustTarget(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr)
  • Method: IntPtr GetCallStub(IntPtr methodPtr)
  • Method: Object Clone()
  • Method: Object DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
  • Method: MethodInfo get_Method()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Property: Object Target
  • Property: MethodInfo Method
  • Field: Object _target
  • Field: Object _methodBase
  • Field: IntPtr _methodPtr
  • Field: IntPtr _methodPtrAux