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  • Method: Void HandleWindVelocity(Vector3 windVelocity, Vector3& windForce)


  • Method: Void HandleWindVorticity(Vector3 windVorticity, Vector3& vorticityTorque)


  • Method: WindModel get_windModel()
  • Method: Void OnAddedComponent(Part part)
  • Method: Void OnSpawn(Part p)
  • Method: Void FixedUpdate()
  • Method: Void WindUpdate(Vector3 windVel, Vector3 windVorticity)
  • Method: Vector3 GetStdWindForce(Vector3 windVel)
  • Method: Single GetFacingArea(Vector3 windDir)
  • Method: Void LateUpdate()
  • Method: Void MirrorProcessed()
  • Method: Vehicle get_Vehicle()
  • Method: Boolean get_isServer()
  • Method: Boolean get_isClient()
  • Method: Boolean get_isLocalPlayer()
  • Method: Boolean get_isServerOnly()
  • Method: Boolean get_isClientOnly()
  • Method: Boolean get_isOwned()
  • Method: Boolean get_hasAuthority()
  • Method: Boolean get_authority()
  • Method: UInt32 get_netId()
  • Method: NetworkConnection get_connectionToServer()
  • Method: NetworkConnectionToClient get_connectionToClient()
  • Method: Boolean HasSyncObjects()
  • Method: NetworkIdentity get_netIdentity()
  • Method: Void set_netIdentity(NetworkIdentity value)
  • Method: Boolean GetSyncVarHookGuard(UInt64 dirtyBit)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVarHookGuard(UInt64 dirtyBit, Boolean value)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVarDirtyBit(UInt64 dirtyBit)
  • Method: Void SetDirty()
  • Method: Boolean IsDirty()
  • Method: Void ClearAllDirtyBits()
  • Method: Void InitSyncObject(SyncObject syncObject)
  • Method: Void SendCommandInternal(String functionFullName, NetworkWriter writer, Int32 channelId, Boolean requiresAuthority)
  • Method: Void SendRPCInternal(String functionFullName, NetworkWriter writer, Int32 channelId, Boolean includeOwner)
  • Method: Void SendTargetRPCInternal(NetworkConnection conn, String functionFullName, NetworkWriter writer, Int32 channelId)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarSetter(T value, T& field, UInt64 dirtyBit, Action`2 OnChanged)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarSetter_GameObject(GameObject value, GameObject& field, UInt64 dirtyBit, Action`2 OnChanged, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarSetter_NetworkIdentity(NetworkIdentity value, NetworkIdentity& field, UInt64 dirtyBit, Action`2 OnChanged, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarSetter_NetworkBehaviour(T value, T& field, UInt64 dirtyBit, Action`2 OnChanged, NetworkBehaviourSyncVar& netIdField)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVarGameObject(GameObject newGameObject, GameObject& gameObjectField, UInt64 dirtyBit, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: GameObject GetSyncVarGameObject(UInt32 netId, GameObject& gameObjectField)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarDeserialize(T& field, Action`2 OnChanged, T value)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarDeserialize_GameObject(GameObject& field, Action`2 OnChanged, NetworkReader reader, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarDeserialize_NetworkIdentity(NetworkIdentity& field, Action`2 OnChanged, NetworkReader reader, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: Void GeneratedSyncVarDeserialize_NetworkBehaviour(T& field, Action`2 OnChanged, NetworkReader reader, NetworkBehaviourSyncVar& netIdField)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVarNetworkIdentity(NetworkIdentity newIdentity, NetworkIdentity& identityField, UInt64 dirtyBit, UInt32& netIdField)
  • Method: NetworkIdentity GetSyncVarNetworkIdentity(UInt32 netId, NetworkIdentity& identityField)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVarNetworkBehaviour(T newBehaviour, T& behaviourField, UInt64 dirtyBit, NetworkBehaviourSyncVar& syncField)
  • Method: T GetSyncVarNetworkBehaviour(NetworkBehaviourSyncVar syncNetBehaviour, T& behaviourField)
  • Method: Void SetSyncVar(T value, T& fieldValue, UInt64 dirtyBit)
  • Method: Void OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Void SerializeSyncVars(NetworkWriter writer, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Void DeserializeSyncVars(NetworkReader reader, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Void SerializeObjectsAll(NetworkWriter writer)
  • Method: Void SerializeObjectsDelta(NetworkWriter writer)
  • Method: Void DeserializeObjectsAll(NetworkReader reader)
  • Method: Void DeserializeObjectsDelta(NetworkReader reader)
  • Method: Void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Boolean Deserialize(NetworkReader reader, Boolean initialState)
  • Method: Void ResetSyncObjects()
  • Method: Void OnStartServer()
  • Method: Void OnStopServer()
  • Method: Void OnStartClient()
  • Method: Void OnStopClient()
  • Method: Void OnStartLocalPlayer()
  • Method: Void OnStopLocalPlayer()
  • Method: Void OnStartAuthority()
  • Method: Void OnStopAuthority()
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: WindModel windModel
  • Property: Vehicle Vehicle
  • Property: Boolean isServer
  • Property: Boolean isClient
  • Property: Boolean isLocalPlayer
  • Property: Boolean isServerOnly
  • Property: Boolean isClientOnly
  • Property: Boolean isOwned
  • Property: Boolean hasAuthority
  • Property: Boolean authority
  • Property: UInt32 netId
  • Property: NetworkConnection connectionToServer
  • Property: NetworkConnectionToClient connectionToClient
  • Property: NetworkIdentity netIdentity
  • Property: Byte ComponentIndex
  • Property: UInt64 syncVarDirtyBits
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: List`1 windVelHandlers
  • Field: List`1 windVortHandlers
  • Field: Vector3 rBoundAreas
  • Field: Vector3 areaFactor
  • Field: Vector3 windForce
  • Field: Vector3 windTorque
  • Field: List`1 bndsColliders
  • Field: Part part
  • Field: SyncDirection syncDirection
  • Field: SyncMode syncMode
  • Field: Single syncInterval
  • Field: Double lastSyncTime
  • Field: List`1 syncObjects
  • Field: NetworkIdentity _netIdentity
  • Field: UInt64 syncObjectDirtyBits


  • Method: Vector3 get_WindVelocity()
  • Method: Vector3 get_WindVorticity()
  • Method: Void OnVehicleSpawn(Vehicle v)
  • Method: Void FixedUpdate()
  • Method: Void LateUpdate()
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking()
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke()
  • Method: Void Invoke(String methodName, Single time)
  • Method: Void InvokeRepeating(String methodName, Single time, Single repeatRate)
  • Method: Void CancelInvoke(String methodName)
  • Method: Boolean IsInvoking(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(Coroutine routine)
  • Method: Void StopCoroutine(String methodName)
  • Method: Void StopAllCoroutines()
  • Method: Boolean get_useGUILayout()
  • Method: Void set_useGUILayout(Boolean value)
  • Method: String GetScriptClassName()
  • Method: Boolean get_enabled()
  • Method: Void set_enabled(Boolean value)
  • Method: Boolean get_isActiveAndEnabled()
  • Method: Transform get_transform()
  • Method: GameObject get_gameObject()
  • Method: Component GetComponent(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponentFastPath(Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
  • Method: T GetComponent()
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(Type type, Component& component)
  • Method: Boolean TryGetComponent(T& component)
  • Method: Component GetComponent(String type)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInChildren()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 result)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInChildren()
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInChildren(List`1 results)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component GetComponentInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: T GetComponentInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t, Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type t)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive)
  • Method: Void GetComponentsInParent(Boolean includeInactive, List`1 results)
  • Method: T[] GetComponentsInParent()
  • Method: Component[] GetComponents(Type type)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(Type type, List`1 results)
  • Method: Void GetComponents(List`1 results)
  • Method: String get_tag()
  • Method: Void set_tag(String value)
  • Method: T[] GetComponents()
  • Method: Boolean CompareTag(String tag)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessageUpwards(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, Object value, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void SendMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, Object parameter)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName)
  • Method: Void BroadcastMessage(String methodName, SendMessageOptions options)
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: Vector3 WindVelocity
  • Property: Vector3 WindVorticity
  • Property: Boolean useGUILayout
  • Property: Boolean enabled
  • Property: Boolean isActiveAndEnabled
  • Property: Transform transform
  • Property: GameObject gameObject
  • Property: String tag
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: WindModel windModel
  • Field: Vector3 windVelocity
  • Field: Vector3 windVorticity
  • Field: Vehicle vehicle


  • Method: Vector3 GetWindVelocityAtWpos(Vector3 wpos)
  • Method: Vector3 GetWindVorticityAtWpos(Vector3 wpos)
  • Method: Void SetDirty()
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Boolean DEBUG_drawWind
  • Field: Boolean DEBUG_drawPartForces


  • Method: Vector3 GetWindVelocityAtWpos(Vector3 wpos)
  • Method: Vector3 GetWindVorticityAtWpos(Vector3 wpos)
  • Method: Void SetDirty()
  • Method: Int32 GetInstanceID()
  • Method: Int32 GetHashCode()
  • Method: Boolean Equals(Object other)
  • Method: String get_name()
  • Method: Void set_name(String value)
  • Method: HideFlags get_hideFlags()
  • Method: Void set_hideFlags(HideFlags value)
  • Method: String ToString()
  • Method: Type GetType()
  • Method: Object MemberwiseClone()
  • Method: Void Finalize()
  • Property: String name
  • Property: HideFlags hideFlags
  • Field: Vector3 testVel
  • Field: Vector3 testVorticity
  • Field: Boolean DEBUG_drawWind
  • Field: Boolean DEBUG_drawPartForces