VehicleLogEntry Class

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VehicleLogEntry Class

This class serves as the base class for all types of vehicle log entries, capturing various states and metrics of a vehicle at specific points in time.

Public Constant Fields

Public Fields

  • `public Vehicle vehicle` - The vehicle associated with this log entry.
  • `public double UT` - The universal time at which the log entry was recorded.
  • `public int frame` - The frame number at which the log entry was recorded.
  • `public Vector3d aPos` - The absolute position of the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 wVel` - The world velocity of the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 wAcc` - The world acceleration of the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 gLoad` - The G-load experienced by the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 angularVel` - The angular velocity of the vehicle.
  • `public Vector3 angularAcc` - The angular acceleration of the vehicle.
  • `public Quaternion wRot` - The world rotation of the vehicle.
  • `public int attachedPartsCount` - The count of attached parts.
  • `public bool landed` - Indicates if the vehicle is landed.
  • `public bool splashed` - Indicates if the vehicle is splashed.
  • `public bool flying` - Indicates if the vehicle is flying.
  • `public bool stopped` - Indicates if the vehicle is stopped.
  • `public bool grabbed` - Indicates if the vehicle is grabbed.
  • `public double totalDistFlown` - The total distance flown by the vehicle.

Public Delegates

Public Events

Public Enums

Public Interfaces

Public Properties

  • `public Vector3 WPos { get; }` - Gets the world position of the vehicle.
  • `public bool WasDamagedThen { get; }` - Gets a value indicating whether the vehicle was damaged then.
  • `public VehicleLogEntry PreviousEntry { get; protected set; }` - Gets the previous log entry.

Public Methods

  • `public VehicleLogEntry Init(VehicleLogger vflogger, VehicleLogEntry prev)` - Initializes the log entry.
  • `protected virtual void OnInit(VehicleLogger vflogger, VehicleLogEntry prev)` - Method called during initialization.
  • `public override string ToString()` - Returns a string representation of the log entry.
  • `public virtual string GetFullLogString()` - Returns a detailed string representation of the log entry.
  • `public virtual string PrintLogFlags()` - Prints the log flags.

Public Structs

Public Classes

See Also

  • VehicleLogger Class
  • Spawn Class
  • Reset Class
  • Despawn Class
  • Repaired Class
  • Breakoff Class
  • IVehicleOwner Interface
  • GameEvents.Vehicles Class
  • Vehicle Class
  • Vector3d Struct
  • FloatingOrigin Class
  • UnityAction Delegate