VehicleLogger Class

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VehicleLogger Class

This class handles logging for vehicles, tracking various metrics and events such as airspeed, altitude, damage, and log entries.

Public Constant Fields

Public Fields

  • `public Action<VehicleLogEntry> OnLogEntryAdded` - Action triggered when a log entry is added.
  • `public static VehicleLogger.LogLookbackDelegate OnLoggedOutcomeTrigger` - Delegate for handling logged outcome triggers.

Public Delegates

  • `public delegate void LogLookbackDelegate(VehicleLogger vlog, VehicleLogEntry trigger, IVehicleOwner owner)` - Delegate for handling log lookback events.

Public Events

Public Enums

Public Interfaces

  • `IVehicleComponent` - Interface for vehicle components.

Public Properties

  • `public Vehicle Vehicle { get; }` - Gets the vehicle associated with this logger.
  • `public bool Ready { get; }` - Gets a value indicating whether the logger is ready.
  • `public float MaxAirspeed { get; }` - Gets the maximum airspeed recorded.
  • `public float MaxAltitude { get; }` - Gets the maximum altitude recorded.
  • `public float MaxAcceleration { get; }` - Gets the maximum acceleration recorded.
  • `public double TotalDistanceTravelled { get; }` - Gets the total distance travelled.
  • `public float TotalAirTime { get; }` - Gets the total air time recorded.
  • `public float LastAirTime { get; }` - Gets the last air time recorded.
  • `public float LastGoodAirTime { get; }` - Gets the last good air time recorded.
  • `public double Lifetime { get; }` - Gets the lifetime of the vehicle logger.
  • `public double Runtime { get; }` - Gets the runtime of the vehicle logger.
  • `public int ShotsFired { get; set; }` - Gets or sets the number of shots fired.
  • `public int ShotsHit { get; set; }` - Gets or sets the number of shots hit.
  • `public float ShotAccuracy { get; }` - Gets the accuracy of shots fired.
  • `public int RecoverCount { get; }` - Gets the count of recoveries.

Public Methods

  • `public void AddLogEntry(VehicleLogEntry logEntry)` - Adds a log entry to the logger.
  • `void IVehicleComponent.OnVehicleSpawn(Vehicle v)` - Called when the vehicle spawns.
  • `private void onVehicleReset()` - Handles vehicle reset events.
  • `private void onVehicleWillDespawn(Vehicle arg0)` - Handles vehicle despawn events.
  • `public void OnDestroy()` - Called when the logger is destroyed.
  • `public void ResetStats(bool resetLifetimeValues)` - Resets the statistics of the logger.
  • `public void FixedUpdate()` - Called every fixed frame-rate frame.
  • `public bool HasDamageLogged(bool sinceLastReset = true)` - Checks if any damage has been logged since the last reset.
  • `public bool HasDamage()` - Checks if there is any damage.
  • `public int CountDamage()` - Counts the number of damaged parts.
  • `public float GetDamageFactor()` - Gets the damage factor of the vehicle.
  • `public bool HasEntry<T>() where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Checks if there is an entry of a specific type.
  • `public bool HasEntryWhere<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Checks if there is an entry that matches a specific predicate.
  • `public bool HasEntryWhere<T>(int skip, Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Checks if there is an entry that matches a specific predicate, skipping a number of entries.
  • `public int FindLatestEntryIndex<T>() where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Finds the index of the latest entry of a specific type.
  • `public int FindLatestEntryIndexWhere<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Finds the index of the latest entry that matches a specific predicate.
  • `public int FindEarliestEntryIndex<T>() where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Finds the index of the earliest entry of a specific type.
  • `public int FindEarliestEntryIndexWhere<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : VehicleLogEntry` - Finds the index of the earliest entry that matches a specific predicate.
  • `public IEnumerator<VehicleLogEntry> GetEnumerator()` - Gets the enumerator for the log entries.
  • `IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()` - Gets the enumerator for the log entries.
  • `public int Count { get; }` - Gets the count of log entries.
  • `public VehicleLogEntry this[int index] { get; }` - Gets the log entry at a specific index.

Public Structs

Public Classes

See Also

  • VehicleLogEntry Class
  • Spawn Class
  • Reset Class
  • Despawn Class
  • Repaired Class
  • Breakoff Class
  • IVehicleOwner Interface
  • GameEvents.Vehicles Class
  • Vehicle Class
  • Vector3d Struct
  • FloatingOrigin Class
  • UnityAction Delegate